Feb 22, 2013

Friday Headlines - 2/22/13

Catching up from last week, here are some headlines from the past fortnight. 

In personal news, I was sent to a seminar in which I learned how to better manage co-workers from the millennial generation. It was nice to be recognized as a leader in the agency, but it was much harder to realize I am now old enough that I need to be taught how to interact with the youngsters coming into the workforce.

Of course, I'm still no as old as the 104-year-old woman who has been forced to lie about her age on Facebook, because the site only allows for users up to 99. The woman says she doesn't like to mislead people, but when asked why her profile photo resembles Jennifer Lopez, she said "no comment."

Speaking of old news: Pope Benedict has decided to resign. A conclave will be called soon to elect a new pope. I'm hoping for older and whiter.

The Obama administration has begun developing penalties for cybercrimes, as they are becoming a larger threat. The White House announced the new guidelines on Twitter, saying "I haz UR balls."

A mother in Oklahoma was surprised to find a postcard in the mail from her son that he sent in 1967. She was not excited to have Kevin Costner deliver the card. (That's right: a 16-year old movie reference for a 46-year-late delivery)

A group in Thailand broke the hula hoop dancing record, besting the previous mark set by Taiwan. Executives in the Unites States were quick to ask, "why aren't you busy building toys?"

Hoping to win over some of the pro-pork crowd, Iowa Governor Terry Branstad pardoned a pig before the Blue Ribbon Bacon Festival kicked off last week. The pig is hoping to live out it's life quietly as a farm pet, but Guy Fiery has vowed to hunt the swine down and bring it to justice.

Finally, a Swedish ice pole-sitting contest had 6 winners. Contestants had to sit on blocks of ice for up to 48 hours. They had to share in the $3,100 prize, but can win bigger money by sitting through an early round of American Idol auditions.

Have a great weekend!

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