Sep 20, 2005

Reality Kills

You can place me among the faction of people who hate reality TV shows with a passion. I can't stand the artificial drama, the hack-tastic script work, and the plethora of talentless nobodies who find fame from their complete lack of self-respect and willingness to do, screw or eat anything.

And, of course, there are other drawbacks to the genre. ABC is getting sued over the suicide of a woman who couldn't handle the manipulation that comes with being a reality TV star (or, in this case, cutting-room floor fodder).

I think this may be the beginning of a trend. There are so many attention-starved people aching to get onto TV, that I'm sure there are more than a few unstable psyches waiting to implode under the right circumstances.

It won't be pretty, but I'm sure it will make for great television.

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